Infographic: Harmful chemicals in food packaging are putting our health at risk
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Zero Waste Europe, the European Consumer Organisation BEUC, CHEM Trust and ClientEarth have joined hands to bust some of the most popular myths surrounding chemicals used in food contact materials. The infographic launched today illustrates how the chemicals used in the production, processing, preparation and packaging of food may put our health at risk.
Letter: Gouvernance et moyens de la Stratégie Nationale sur les Perturbateurs Endocriniens (SNPE)
À l’occasion de la réunion du Groupe Santé Environnement (GSE) le 30 juin 2021, un collectif d’associations citoyennes, professionnelles et d’usagers, de syndicats et de collectifs, demande aux Ministres des…
Webinar series: Current opportunities for better identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals at European level
Join a special webinar series organised by Member of European Parliament Maria Arena (S&D) to discuss what opportunities lay ahead for better identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals at European level.
Ominous first step in EU renewal process of glyphosate: 4 member states suggest no risk for human health – HEAL comment
Today four EU member states (France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden) released a statement proposing that glyphosate does not pose risks for human health. HEAL is concerned at such a conclusion, which is in contradiction to the scientific evidence of the association between exposure to the popular pesticide and the development of cancer.
Webinar: “The Global Glyphosate Study: the most comprehensive study on world’s most-used pesticide ever”
Join us for a special webinar organised by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) in collaboration with the Ramazzini Institute, where lead scientists will present the ongoing Global Glyphosate Study, the largest and most comprehensive toxicological study ever undertaken on a pesticide.
Announcement of Belchatow coal plant closure is turning point for health
Therefore, the Belchatow closure announcement is a milestone for better health protection for the people in Poland and beyond, and shows that there is a growing recognition that coal cannot have a place in a healthy energy future for Poland, or elsewhere. At the same time, there’s no reason for leaning back, as we have not reached our goal of a coal phase out in the EU by 2030 yet - a date that is scientifically proven to be needed to slow down the climate crisis.
How does early-life exposure to environmental pollutants affect our health? New flyer and video from the ATHLETE project
Have you ever wondered whether and how our everyday environment and activities affect our health? The ATHLETE project is designed to answer these questions by studying the Human Exposome – the totality of environmental exposures from conception to adulthood. Today we are excited to launch a new flyer and video to present the key activities of our research project.
HEAL assessment of Action Plan “Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil – building a Healthier Planet for Healthier People”
HEAL scorecard on the European Commission's zero pollution action plan.