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It is beyond a doubt that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) impact the health of humans and the environment globally. Surprisingly, we still don’t know exactly how EDCs can harm female reproductive health. The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) has teamed up with the FREIA project to launch a factsheet and infographic to introduce this research project and to illustrate how EDCs affect women’s health.


The factsheet and infographic launched today give an overview of what is currently known about EDCs and their impact on women’s reproductive health, and highlights the challenges ahead to adequately regulate EDCs in European chemical regulations.

Reproductive health disorders in women are often related to hormonal disbalance. In addition to risk factors such as age at first childbirth, breastfeeding, obesity or smoking, EDCs can affect a woman’s reproductive health. These chemicals can disrupt hormones at any life stage, from conception to adulthood, which in turn can lead to a range of serious health problems such as breast cancer, endometriosis or infertility.

FREIA – named after the Nordic fertility goddess – is an EU-funded research project dedicated to advance test methods to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals that are toxic to women’s health. By engaging with stakeholders such as HEAL, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) and the International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS), the FREIA consortium aims to:

  • Gain new understandings and insights into adverse effects of endocrine disruption on women’s health.
  • Develop new test methods and improve existing ones to detect EDCs toxic to female reproduction and support protective regulation.
  • Promote sustainable options for a healthy society and improve women’s health.

Hormoonverstorende chemicaliën en gezondheid van vrouwen: nieuwe factsheet en infographic van het FREIA project

Het is zonder twijfel dat hormoonverstorende chemicaliën (‘endocrine disrupting chemicals’ of EDCs) de gezondheid van mens en milieu wereldwijd beïnvloeden. Verrassend genoeg weten we nog steeds niet precies hoe EDCs de reproductieve gezondheid van vrouwen kunnen schaden. De Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) heeft samen met het FREIA project een factsheet en infographic ontwikkeld om dit onderzoeksproject te introduceren en te illustreren hoe EDCs de gezondheid van vrouwen kunnen beïnvloeden.


Meer informatie is te vinden op

Comment les perturbateurs endocriniens (PE) peuvent-ils affecter la santé reproductive des femmes ?

Les altérations de la santé reproductive chez les femmes sont souvent liées à un déséquilibre hormonal. En plus de facteurs de risque tels que l’âge au premier accouchement, l’allaitement maternel, l’obésité ou le tabagisme, les PE peuvent affecter la santé reproductive. Les PE peuvent rompre l’équilibre hormonal à tous les stades de la vie, de la conception à l’âge adulte, ce qui peut entraîner divers problèmes de santé.


Le projet FREIA est un projet financé par l’Union Européenne. Il est dédié à l’amélioration des tests pour identifier des perturbateurs endocriniens qui seraient toxiques pour la reproduction féminine.

Pour plus d’information, consultez

Como os Químicos Disruptores Endócrinos (QDEs) podem afetar a saúde reprodutiva feminina? 

Problemas de saúde reprodutiva em mulheres estão geralmente relacionados ao desequilíbrio hormonal. Além de fatores de risco como obesidade ou tabagismo, os DEs podem afetar a saúde reprodutiva. DEs podem desregular hormônios em qualquer estágio da vida, desde a concepção até a idade adulta, o que pode levar a uma série de problemas de saúde.


O projeto FREIA é um projeto financiado pela União Europeia dedicado ao avanço de métodos de teste para identificar QDEs que são tóxicos para a reprodução feminia.

Para mais informações consulte:

In che modo agiscono gli sulla salute riproduttiva della donne?

I problemi di salute riproduttiva nelle donne sono spesso correlati allo squilibrio ormonale. Insieme a fattori di rischio come l’età del primo parto, l’allattamento al seno, l’obesità o il fumo, gli IE possono influire sulla salute riproduttiva. Gli IE possono alterare l’equlibrio ormonale in qualsiasi fase della vita, dal concepimento all’età adulta, il che può portare a una serie di problemi di salute.


FREIA è un progetto finanziato dall’Unione Europea. Esso si prefigge di migliorare le metodologie di identificazione degli Interferenti Endocrini tossici per la salute riproduttiva delle donne.

Per maggiori informazioni, consultare


  • Factsheet ‘The FREIA Project – Endocrine disrupting chemicals and women’s reproductive health’. Available in English and Dutch (March 2020)
  • Infographic ‘The FREIA Project – Endocrine disrupting chemicals and women’s reproductive health’, available in English, Dutch, French, Portuguese and Italian (March 2020)
  • Webinar recording and slides – Introducing the FREIA Project: Safeguarding female fertility against endocrine disruptors. Co-organised by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), the European research project FREIA, and the International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS) (17 February 2020)
  • Website of the FREIA project, with latest developments and information about the research project.
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