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Opinion: How industry can launder a health-risking substance: Titanium dioxide should remain classified as carcinogenic within the EU

Opinion: How industry can launder a health-risking substance: Titanium dioxide should remain classified as carcinogenic within the EU

Titanium dioxide (TiO2), often used for its whitening capacity and found in daily products such as sunscreens and cosmetics, is suspected of causing cancer. But the hazard classification of the substance as a suspected carcinogen has been a long and winding road, with the scientific and political battle culminating in a legal row at the European Union’s highest court—to the detriment of citizens and workers - Natacha Cingotti writes for Social Europe.
European civil society groups raise questions about industry-funded study on E171 toxicity and call on decision-makers to support the French ban on unnecessary food additive

European civil society groups raise questions about industry-funded study on E171 toxicity and call on decision-makers to support the French ban on unnecessary food additive

A crucial European meeting to discuss the French ban of E171 - the food additive version of titanium dioxide - is due to take place on Monday 16th September. Civil society groups across Europe raise questions about a new industry study released ahead of this meeting and warn against diverting decision-makers’ attention from the already existing evidence of the potential health threats posed by E171.
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