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Joint letter to ministers of health on shaping a comprehensive global plastics treaty

Leading up to the fifth and final round of negotiations for the Global Plastics Treaty that will take place 25 November - 1 December 2024, in Busan, South Korea, HEAL together with Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe wrote to all European health ministers highlighting the urgent need to address the severe health and environmental impacts of plastics, including in the healthcare sector. 


Letter to EU environment ministers – uphold commitment to health protection objectives in Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

HEAL has sent a letter to permanent representations of EU member states and  EU environment ministers today, calling on their support and leadership to ensure that previous commitments made for a high level of health and environment protection will remain at the heart of the 2024-2029 EU Commission mandate, including delivering on the health protective measures promised in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) and the revision of REACH with no further delay.


Letter to the President of the European Commission on protecting people’s health against climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss

HEAL calls on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to commit to protecting people’s health from the triple crisis during her second term in a letter. HEAL urges her to safeguard and strengthen the EU climate and environmental acquis for better health, and accelerate on the zero pollution path, including for the foreseen reform of the EU chemicals law REACH. 


Open letter to European Parliament group leaders by the Green 10

The Green 10, the coalition of ten of the largest environmental organisations and networks active on the European level including HEAL, has sent a letter to European Parliament group leaders, making an urgent appeal to continue to prioritise a green and just transition towards climate neutrality, zero pollution and thriving nature, as political groups in the Parliament are holding talks over future priorities and consider their approval of a European Commission President.

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