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Healthy energy future

HEAL’s campaign Prescription for a Healthy Energy Future for Europe shines a light on the health benefits the transformation of the energy sector will bring, and bring to the forefront…


Environment Ministers have to show commitment to EU action on air quality in 2020

In the upcoming Council Conclusions on Air Quality, we call on Environment Ministers to: Reflect the urgency to act on air pollution for health protection: the positive effects of this Green Deal need to be breathable by the end of the current EU Commission’ mandate. Translate the urgency into action by paving the way forward: the EU Green Deal ambition needs to take the shape of clear steps for clean air in 2020, with a view to aligning the EU air standards with the WHO guidelines.

Climate action for our health and planetary health

Our message on climate action as the biggest opportunity to benefit health today, tomorrow and for future generations is powerful, and should be heard everywhere, writes HEAL's Founder and Executive Director Genon K. Jensen.

Independent data highlights air pollution crisis in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dust pollution in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been twice the legal limit on two thirds of monitored days in 2018 and caused over one hundred premature deaths in adults during the year, according to independent new data published today in the report 'Lifting the Smog' by CEE Bankwatch Network, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and the Center for Ecology and Energy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

HEAL Webinar-Reihe ‘Vorfahrt für Gesundheit’

Die kostenlosen monatlichen Webinare mit profilierten Expertinnen und Experten richten sich an MedizinerInnen und Studierende, GesundheitsexpertInnen, Asthma-PatientInnen und andere Betroffene, politische EntscheiderInnen sowie interessierte Einzelpersonen. Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Diskussionen in Deutschland um die Gesundheitsauswirkungen von Luftverschmutzung und die verkehrspolitischen Maßnahmen in Städten sollen die Webinare einen Einstieg in Aspekte wie Rad- und Fußverkehr, Stadtplanung aber auch Maßnahmen auf kommunaler und nationaler Ebene wie die nationale Plattform Mobilität geben. Außerdem werden aktuelle Aktivitäten des Gesundheitssektors zum Thema Verkehr vorgestellt.
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