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Health groups call for EU air quality standards to be fully aligned with new WHO recommendations

he World Health Organization (WHO) has today published its much awaited new evidence-based Global Air Quality guidelines, the first update since 2005. Health groups now urge the European Union and national decision-makers to protect the health of hundreds of millions by stepping up efforts for clean air for health. This can be achieved first and foremost by fully aligning EU air quality standards with the science based guidelines and other new studies - a step that thousands of citizens have been calling for.

Bengaluru Schoolchildren Breathing Polluted Air: Report

Up to two million schoolchildren (20 lakhs) in Bengaluru, India are potentially exposed to dangerous air pollution during their school day, risking asthma, allergic rhinitis and other chronic health impacts, according to a report released today by Healthy Air Coalition, Bengaluru. 

Environment Ministers have to show commitment to EU action on air quality in 2020

In the upcoming Council Conclusions on Air Quality, we call on Environment Ministers to: Reflect the urgency to act on air pollution for health protection: the positive effects of this Green Deal need to be breathable by the end of the current EU Commission’ mandate. Translate the urgency into action by paving the way forward: the EU Green Deal ambition needs to take the shape of clear steps for clean air in 2020, with a view to aligning the EU air standards with the WHO guidelines.

New training tool on healthy air launched

The Urban Agenda Partnership on Air Quality has just launched a new Training Course on Air Quality and Health: Methods, Tools and Practices for Better Air Quality Action Planning that…


HEAL welcomes the 10 commitments from Frans Timmermans, Virginijus Sinkevičius and Stella Kyriakides to act for a healthy planet for healthy people

After European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen had unveiled who will join her team during her administration, the newly-elected members of the European Parliament had a chance to test these confirmed nominees during committee hearings. So how did the European Green Deal Executive Vice-President designate, the Environment and Oceans Commissioner-designate and the Health Commissioner-designate perform and what did they commit to as a team?
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