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10 ways to protect our health and the environment

Preventing environmental pollution can save lives. There is clear scientific evidence on how environmental, chemical and air pollution as well as climate change threaten and impact our health. Europe has a real opportunity to protect and improve Europeans’ health and prevent major chronic health epidemics - here are ten ways how.

HEAL Briefing und Kurzinfo zu gesunder Mobilität

Unser neues Briefing ‚Vorfahrt für Gesundheit‘ bietet einen Überblick, welche Auswirkungen der Verkehr in Deutschland auf die Gesundheit der Menschen hat, durch Luftverschmutzung, Lärm und die Befeuerung des Klimawandels.

Press release: EU action on Western Balkans’ chronic coal pollution is a unique opportunity to improve health and productivity

Sixteen outdated coal power plants in the Western Balkans are a public health and economic liability for the whole of Europe, with people in the EU bearing the majority of the health impacts and costs, according to a new report by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), Sandbag, Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, CEE Bankwatch Network and Europe Beyond Coal. The European Union (EU) needs to use all of the tools available to improve health, prolong lives, save health costs and increase productivity both in the EU and in the Western Balkan region.

Billige Kohle kommt der Gesundheit teuer zu stehen

Dass Kohle schlecht fürs Klima ist, wissen die meisten. Weniger bekannt sind die Gesundheitsbelastungen durch die Kohleverstromung. Ein neues Briefing der Health and Environment Alliance beleuchtet die gesundheitlichen Folgen der Braunkohlenutzung und plädiert für einen schnellen Ausstieg.

Health groups call for greater EU leadership in tackling climate change

New research published in The Lancet medical journal today shows that emissions, climate change and rising temperatures are already exposing people everywhere to an unacceptably high health risk. The independent, interdisciplinary research collaboration Lancet Countdown identified that last year globally, 157 million more vulnerable people were subjected to a heatwave than in 2000.

Spotlight on climate change and health

During COP24, several events will shed light on the health impacts of climate change, the opportunities to boost health through ambitious climate mitigation, and the need for health sector engagement.…

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