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Health groups’ letter to members of the European Parliament: support the Lopez report

Today, the health groups Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations (EFA), European Respiratory Society (ERS), International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) Europe, Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and Mutualités Libres/Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen sent a letter to all members of the European Parliament.

Joint letter to ENVI MEPs: Health organisations’ recommendations to step up on clean air for health with science-based air quality standards

The European Parliament's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety is currently considering the proposal to revise the EU’s ambient air quality directives (AAQD), a cornerstone for the protection of people’s health and the environment from air pollution. Today, HEAL, together with six more health organisations, has written to members of the committee, urging them tostep up on the European Commission’s proposal, to reduce ill-health and health cost swiftly and significantly.

Letter from Europe’s environmental NGOs on the cars CO2 deal

HEAL and others have written to German chancellor Scholz and vice-chancellor Habeck with concern regarding the recent political backpedalling and confusion created by the German government that has led to the postponement of the Council vote on the new CO2 standards for cars and vans. The NGOs have called on them to stand firm and confirm the support of your government for the existing agreement without further delay.

Luftqualität: Gesundheit durch neue Standards schützen

Luftqualität: Gesundheit durch neue Standards schützen Hohe Risiken für akute und chronische Krankheiten durch Feinstaub und Stickstoffdioxid Hannover/Brüssel, 28.10.2022. Die Gefahr ist unsichtbar: Luftverschmutzung ist ein großer umweltbedingter Risikofaktor für die…


Letter to European Commission: Civil society vision on how the EU can deliver the European Green Deal and address the multiple crises we face

The Green 10 wrote to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Vice President Frans Timmermans, Vice President Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, Commissioners Thierry Breton and Virginijus Sinkevičius to express their concern that the Commission’s Letter of Intent listing priority initiatives for 2023 failed to mention a number of the priority legislative files expected for the European Commission to publish in 2023 based on earlier plans by the European Commission.

100+ organisations call for stricter, WHO aligned EU air pollution limits

Exactly one year after the World Health Organization (WHO), after a systematic review of the science, published new Global Air Quality Guidelines with recommendations for maximum concentrations of the major air pollutants, more than 100 organisations in 17 EU countries have called on their health and environment ministers to save lives and protect nature from air pollution with science-based EU air quality standards.

Letter to MEPs: Wood burning harms our health and fuels climate change

HEAL, together with the German Alliance on Climate Change and Health (KLUG e.V.), the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), the German Public Health Association (DGPH) and KlimaDocs e.V. has today sent a letter to Members of European Parliament calling on them to stop classifying wood as a renewable energy source in RED III and to end subsidies for wood as an energy source.

Letter: Greater effort for clean air for health urgently needed

In view of the urgency for cleaner air, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), the International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM), the European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations (EFA), the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), the European Respiratory Society (ERS), and the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), have sent a letter to all members of the European Parliament, calling for urgent greater effort for clean air for health.
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