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Letter to the President of the European Commission on protecting people’s health against climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss

HEAL calls on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to commit to protecting people’s health from the triple crisis during her second term in a letter. HEAL urges her to safeguard and strengthen the EU climate and environmental acquis for better health, and accelerate on the zero pollution path, including for the foreseen reform of the EU chemicals law REACH. 

Ten pathways for better health 2024-2029

With the new EU strategic agenda, and policy cycle to 2029, European Union decision-makers can choose the path to better health, by recognising the urgency to act and adopting environmental and climate policies that accelerate the necessary transformation in this decade.

Open letter to European Parliament group leaders by the Green 10

The Green 10, the coalition of ten of the largest environmental organisations and networks active on the European level including HEAL, has sent a letter to European Parliament group leaders, making an urgent appeal to continue to prioritise a green and just transition towards climate neutrality, zero pollution and thriving nature, as political groups in the Parliament are holding talks over future priorities and consider their approval of a European Commission President.

Chlorpyrifos-methyl: unpacking the history behind the EU ban and court case

On 4 October 2023, the European Court of Justice ruled that the 2019 EU-wide ban of the health-harming pesticide chlorpyrifos-methyl remains in force. This blog revisits the long road that led to the decision to ban the substance from the European market in 2019, delves into the related health stakes, and explores the legal challenge that followed the ban. 

Celebrating 20 years of HEAL

Twenty years ago, I realised that environmental pollution is linked to ill health and serious acute and chronic diseases, like cancer, asthma and respiratory diseases. This is when I launched into my environmental health journey and founded HEAL. It became clear to me that our ways of living and the environmental pollution resulting from that impacted our health. I wanted to know more about the impacts and the extent, how much of it was preventable, and what role and power policy-making could have in it....

Press note: Good and bad news for health as the ENVI Committee votes on pesticides

The European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), voted on the draft proposal for a Sustainable use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR) and the non-binding objection to the renewal of the widely used pesticide glyphosate. While the objection for non-renewal of glyphosate failed, the SUR was adopted, but in order to truly protect health more ambition is needed. 
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