Webinar – Lessons learned from the approval of chlorpyrifos
HEAL is delighted to invite you to a new series of webinars dedicated to the health and environmental impacts of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide widely used across Europe and of which residues are regularly found in our food. Join us for the third and final edition in this exciting new series on Wednesday 12 June, 17:00 - 18:00 CET.
How the chemicals in food contact materials are putting our health at risk
Nobody should ever have to worry about toxic substances making their way into our food. Yet, if you ask around, most consumers have no idea about the composition of the packaging wrapping their food and drinks, and how this might affect them. Current loopholes in the European legislation on food contact materials have as a result that its objective to provide a high level of protection for health is not fulfilled.
Webinar: New evidence on the endocrine disrupting properties of chlorpyrifos
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is organising a new series of webinars dedicated to the health and environmental impacts of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide widely used across Europe. Register today!
A HEAL tribute to Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
On 30th January 2019, the European environmental health community lost one of its inspiring pioneers, when Jean-Pierre Bourguignon passed away. Today the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) would like to pay tribute and express our gratitude to this forward-looking paediatrician and endocrinologist.
Civil society condemns the EU’s conduct in undermining an otherwise effective worldwide ban of toxic chemical PFOA
HEAL joined an international group of chemical and health NGOs to publicly express deep regret and disapproval of the EU delegation’s behaviour and actions at the COP9 of the Stockholm Convention.
EU elections: vote for a healthy planet for healthy people
HEAL showcases in a 10 day campaign 'Vote for a healthy planet for healthy people' some of the many aspects that citizens can have a say about using their vote.
33 organisations call for EU food policy and Vice President for Food – open letter to candidates for the presidency of the European Commission
Thirty-three leading campaign groups, farming organizations, and think tanks have come together to call on the next European Commission President to put an EU food policy in place. Read our letter today.
Clearing our plates from toxic pesticides – A webinar trilogy making the health case for a ban on chlorpyrifos
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is organising a new series of webinars dedicated to the health and environmental impacts of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide widely used across Europe. Sign up today!
HEAL Webinar-Reihe ‘Vorfahrt für Gesundheit’
Die kostenlosen monatlichen Webinare mit profilierten Expertinnen und Experten richten sich an MedizinerInnen und Studierende, GesundheitsexpertInnen, Asthma-PatientInnen und andere Betroffene, politische EntscheiderInnen sowie interessierte Einzelpersonen. Vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Diskussionen in Deutschland um die Gesundheitsauswirkungen von Luftverschmutzung und die verkehrspolitischen Maßnahmen in Städten sollen die Webinare einen Einstieg in Aspekte wie Rad- und Fußverkehr, Stadtplanung aber auch Maßnahmen auf kommunaler und nationaler Ebene wie die nationale Plattform Mobilität geben. Außerdem werden aktuelle Aktivitäten des Gesundheitssektors zum Thema Verkehr vorgestellt.
Chinese private company wants to build a coal power plant on protected beach in Iskenderun Bay, Turkey
With the 2019 Belt and Road Forum in China starting today, Chinese overseas investments will be in the spotlight. HEAL(Health and Environment Alliance), WWF-Turkey, TEMA Foundation, Climate Action Network Europe,…
HEAL Briefing und Kurzinfo zu gesunder Mobilität
Unser neues Briefing ‚Vorfahrt für Gesundheit‘ bietet einen Überblick, welche Auswirkungen der Verkehr in Deutschland auf die Gesundheit der Menschen hat, durch Luftverschmutzung, Lärm und die Befeuerung des Klimawandels.
NGOs urge immediate action to stop toxic recycling in the EU
Leading European health and environmental organisations are urging governments to withdraw the Stockholm Convention recycling exemptions for persistent organic pollutants used as flame retardant chemicals.
Health effects of glyphosate can be passed down to other generations, shows new study on rodents
A new study published today finds a variety of adverse health impacts in second and third generation offspring of rats exposed to glyphosate. It is the first of its kind to look at transgenerational effects and shows how descendants of exposed offspring were more likely to develop prostate, kidney and ovarian diseases, obesity and birth abnormalities.
European Parliament puts health and the environment first and calls on Commission to get rid of endocrine disrupting chemicals in our daily lives
In the final plenary session of the European Parliament before the EU elections, MEPs have adopted a Resolution on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and are calling on the Commission to swiftly take all necessary action to ensure human health and the environment are protected against these harmful chemicals .
French farmer takes on Monsanto and wins – victory for all victims of pesticides
The Court of Appeal in Lyon has ruled to hold Monsanto legally accountable for severely harming the health of Paul François, a grain farmer from France’s Charente region. Health actors are welcoming this historic win, a legal precedent in France, as a victory for all victims of pesticides.
Spotlight on clean air for health in Bengaluru, India
New health sector led coalition, supported by HEAL, joins global efforts in improving air quality in cities as part of Unmask my City.