Press note: New Study – Chemical exposure can lead to higher risk of metabolic syndrome in children
Press note: New Study – Chemical exposure can lead to higher risk of metabolic syndrome in children
Press note: New Study – Chemical exposure can lead to higher risk of metabolic syndrome in children
The threat pollution and climate change pose to human health took center stage at the expert-led "Climate for Health" debate held at the headquarters of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The event was co-organized by the think tank Medical Ration of State and "Rzeczpospolita" newspaper in April, bringing together prominent health experts, representatives of the Polish Parliament, Ministries and civil society. HEAL Poland took an active role in the exchange.
HEAL has sent a letter to EU environment ministers on European Environment Action Programme (8EAP) for adoption at the June Environment Council.
The 2024 Climate and Health Policy Priorities for Europe briefing, co-authored by the Health and Environment Alliance, highlights key priority focus areas for European policy, supported by evidence from the Lancet Europe Countdown report 2024 on health and climate change.
Press note: The Council of the EU adopted their position on the updated rules of the toy safety regulation, which leaves many gaps on children’s protection from harmful chemicals.
Press note: The Lancet Europe Countdown report on health and climate change 2024 indicates European governments have not successfully protected their citizens from the health impacts of climate change.
With the elections 6-9 June 2024, the EU strategic agenda, and a new policy cycle to 2029, European Union decision-makers can choose the path to better health, by recognising the urgency to act and adopting environmental and climate policies which accelerate the transformation that needs to happen in this decade.
Blogpost by Genon K. Jensen, HEAL founder and Executive Director on the need to prioritise health in the 2024 EU elections: it is time policymakers take strong and consistent action to address climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution for their constituents' benefit.
HEAL and its member Belgian Independent Health Insurance Funds (Mutualités Libres) organised an event under the auspices of the Belgian EU Presidency, on pathways for achieving clean air in cities. he conference took place on the eve of the European Parliament plenary vote on updated clean air standards and brought together over 300 participants. Decision-makers, scientists, NGOs and stakeholders gathered for a lively exchange on how to address air pollution in urban environments, sharing good practices and policy solutions.
Today, the EU has used up nature’s budget for the entire year. 317 civil society groups urge EU leaders to tackle the nature, climate and pollution crises to protect people's health.
Das Europäische Parlament hat heute mit großer Mehrheit (381 Stimmen) die vorläufige Trilog-Vereinbarung zur Überarbeitung der EU-Luftqualitätsrichtlinie angenommen. Damit ist eine wesentliche Hürde genommen, um die veralteten EU-Luftqualitätsstandards aus dem Jahr 2008…
The European Parliament adopted today by a large majority the provisional trilogue agreement on the revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives (AAQD), to update the EU’s clean air standards dating from 2008.
Air pollution is the biggest environmental threat to everyone's health across the EU, and one of the leading risk factors for chronic diseases. Today, pathways to reach clean air in cities by 2030 will be discussed by more than 340 participants from 33 countries at an international conference taking place in Brussels.
HEAL, together with Bundesärztekammer and Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel und Gesundheit (KLUG), has sent a letter to all MEPs from Germany on the upcoming vote on the agreement reached in trilogue concerning the Ambient Air Quality DIrective (AAQD).
The EU Healthy Air Coalition has sent a letter to members of the European Parliament, ahead of the Plenary voting on “Ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe”, procedure…
HEAL has today sent a letter to members of the European Council regarding the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029. The over 80 members strong alliance working for a healthy planet for…
The EDC-Free Europe coalition, of which HEAL is a member, has launched a new infographic illustrating the harmful impacts of exposure to known and suspected endocrine disruptors on our health and the environment.
To answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the impact of harmful chemicals on people’s health and the environment, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) has launched a new easy-to-use infographic and supporting social media assets.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a class of over 10 000 chemicals also known as “forever chemicals’ are taxing our health and economy. HEAL’s new infographic highlights key strengths and weaknesses in the proposed EU restriction on PFAS.