The problem of PFAS in Europe – joint NGO flyer
Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances, more commonly known as PFAS, are a particularly harmful chemical group. In this flyer, HEAL, CHEMSEC, EEB, CHEM Trust and THINK-Film explain the problem of PFAS in Europe.
HEAL questions for European Parliament hearings – Legislature 2019-2024
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) prepared a dedicated set of questions to test three of the Commissioners-designates on their commitment to act for a healthy planet for healthy people.
Proposed European restriction on tattoo inks and permanent make-up: HEAL and EEB’s final assessment
For millions of Europeans, a tattoo can be a means of self-expression. It may also, however, represent a direct source of exposure to a complex cocktail of chemicals. support the proposal for an EU-wide restriction on tattoo inks, building on existing national legislation and based on the highest standards of protection of human health.
Why the European Parliament should reject the Commission proposed “One in, one out” principle
The Green 10 is firmly against the introduction of a “One in, one out” principle for new legislation, as planned by European Commission President-Elect Ursula von der Leyen. The proposed principle calls for any new initiative that creates a burden to be compensated by relieving an equivalent existing burden in the same policy area.
HEAL response to EU Commission roadmap on endocrine disrupting chemicals
HEAL has welcomed the opportunity to comment on the European Commission roadmap, titled 'Harmful chemicals - endocrine disruptors, review of EU rules'.
HEAL’s response to French consultation on draft national action plan on endocrine disruptors
France’s initiative to update its national action plan on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can be an inspiring driver for European action towards the reduction of exposure to toxic chemicals and…
Ten of the largest environment organisations publish manifesto ahead of 2019 European elections
The Green 10, a coalition of ten of the largest environmental organisations representing tens of millions of citizens across Europe, call on candidates for the European elections to promote a European Union that puts people and our planet first.
Endocrine disruptors – Put exposure reduction at the centre of EU action now, urge health groups
As the European Commission’s consultation on a roadmap for a framework on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) comes to a close, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) urges the European Commission…
EDC-Free Europe coalition urges European Commission to protect people and environment from hormone disruptors
The EDC-Free Europe coalition, representing more than 70 health and environment organisations across Europe, is calling on the EU Commission to finally release a long overdue strategy on endocrine disrupting…