Position paper: Identification of endocrine disruptors under CLP
In this position paper HEAL, CHEM Trust and ClientEarth outline how horizontal criteria can be set up for the identification and classification of endocrine disruptors under the CLP Regulation.
A 10+13 agroecology approach to shape policies and transform EU food systems
This policy paper puts forward a proposal to mainstream agroecology into the policies governing EU food systems. It builds on the consensual vision of a coalition of EU civil society, farmers and scientific organizations to use the FAO ‘10 Elements of Agroecology’ and ‘13 Agroecological Principles’ as a framework to develop the appropriate instruments and targets for EU policies.
Feedback on the EU Commission public consultation on the inception impact assessment for the review of the Food Contact Materials legislation
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the European Commission’s plans for revisions of the EU Food Contact Materials (FCM) legislation. HEAL has long called on the EU authorities to close the loopholes in the legislation, which put the health of Europeans at risk through potential leaching of chemicals of concerns from the food contact articles and materials into the food.
HEAL’s follow-up comments to CARACAL 37 discussions on essential uses
We welcome the opportunity to comment on the European Commission documents relating to the concept of essential uses, which were presented and discussed at CARACAL 37 in November 2020.
REACH committee to discuss proposal to restrict over 4,000 chemicals that can be used in tattoo inks and permanent make-up
On 13 May 2020, the REACH committee is scheduled to discuss a proposal from the European Commission that aims to agree on a restriction covering over 4,000 hazardous chemicals that can be used in tattoo inks or permanent make-up.
The problem of PFAS in Europe – joint NGO flyer
Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances, more commonly known as PFAS, are a particularly harmful chemical group. In this flyer, HEAL, CHEMSEC, EEB, CHEM Trust and THINK-Film explain the problem of PFAS in Europe.
HEAL questions for European Parliament hearings – Legislature 2019-2024
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) prepared a dedicated set of questions to test three of the Commissioners-designates on their commitment to act for a healthy planet for healthy people.
Proposed European restriction on tattoo inks and permanent make-up: HEAL and EEB’s final assessment
For millions of Europeans, a tattoo can be a means of self-expression. It may also, however, represent a direct source of exposure to a complex cocktail of chemicals. support the proposal for an EU-wide restriction on tattoo inks, building on existing national legislation and based on the highest standards of protection of human health.