HEAL has given input to a consultation assessing the EU NEC Directive, a key instrument in the EU clean air framework, which requires member states to cut emissions of five key air pollutants. In our response, we urge for a stepping up of EU member states implementing the law, for greater coherence in the EU's policy framework, and for strengthening health prevention efforts. Now is the time to set the EU on the path for ambitions emission reductions after 2030.
This leaflet highlights how chemicals in food and consumer products may be causing obesity and diabetes. It outlines some of the evidence and how individuals and policy makers can take preventive actions.
The leaflet is currently available in English, French, Spanish and Hungarian. The leaflet will also be available in German, Dutch, Czech and Swedish.
The leaflet was jointly produced by HEAL and CHEM Trust linking obesity and diabetes with daily life exposure to chemicals.
For additional information:
See the full CHEM Trust Report (26 pages). The report gives a review of the science linking chemical exposures to the human risk of obesity and diabetes.
The Executive Summary of the Report is currently available in English, French and Spanish and will soon be available in German.
For additional information on other language versions contact daniel@env-health.org