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The EU Healthy Air Coalition has sent a letter to the European Commission concerning the Clean Industrial Deal.

The group is concerned having seen no evidence of plans to reduce air pollution as part of the Commission’s Clean Industrial Deal. The science is crystal clear: air pollution remains the top environmental risk to health in Europe, resulting in hundreds of thousands of premature deaths and hundreds of billions of euros of costs annually. Despite the burden, most of the health and economic impacts are preventable.

EUHAC calls on the Commission to make the Clean Industrial Deal one which cleans up Europe’s air, for better health for all –  demanding a Clean Air Deal.

Read the full letter here


The EU Healthy Air Coalition (EUHAC) brings together non-profit health expert voices in the EU representing diverse constituencies of the health sector, including doctors and other health care professionals, scientists, public health experts and groups, respiratory or cancer patients and health insurance funds.

Find out more about the coalition here

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