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We believe that the EU elections provide a crucial moment of importance and power that European citizens have to make their voices heard and to actively take part in shaping the policies that relate to every moment of our lives; the energy we consume, the products we use, the way we move, the air we breathe and the food we eat, and ultimately to our health and well-being.
That’s why HEAL showcases in a 10 day campaign ‘Vote for a healthy planet for healthy people’, some of the many aspects that citizens can have a say about using their vote.
30 April – A healthy planet for healthy people
Preventing environmental pollution can save lives and reduce the toll of diseases. EU laws can reduce environmental pollution. Vote for a healthy planet for healthy people
2 May – Protection of the most vulnerable
A polluted environment is most dangerous for children, older people, those already sick and people living in poverty. Vote to end environmental health inequalities and protect the most vulnerable
3 May – Climate action for health
Climate change is the biggest health threat of the 21st century, but action to tackle it can provide immediate and significant health benefits. Vote to boost health through climate action
More resources:
6 May – EDC-Free future
Everyday exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals contributes to modern health epidemics like breast and prostate cancer, obesity and diabetes as well as infertility and learning disorders.
On May 26, vote to keep hormone disrupters out of our daily lives, workplaces and consumer products and help build an EDC-Free future
More resources: EDC Free website (available in EN – DE – NL – SE – DK – ES – FR); HEAL infographic on why low dose exposure matters (available in EN, FR, PT, ES, NL)
7 May – Clean up the air we breathe
Air pollution is the number one environmental threat to health in Europe, leading to 400,000 early deaths each year.
On 26 May vote to clean up the air we breathe in our cities and buildings
More resources: HEAL infographic on clean air for health (available in EN, DE); HEAL briefing on healthy buildings
8 May – Stop pesticides to promote health
Pesticides in our food, water and air can increase the risk of cancer and infertility, harm children’s healthy development and disrupt our hormonal systems
On 26 May, vote to keep poisonous pesticides out of our food and to protect our health
More resources: HEAL chlorpyrifos fact sheet (available in EN, FR, ES). Petition to ban chlorpyrifos (available in EN, FR, DE)
9 May – Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
Burning coal for energy production is the most polluting form of power generation and we pay for it with our health and our healthcare budgets.
On 26 May vote for healthy energy, and to end the addiction to coal
More resources: HEAL campaign on on healthy energy; Healthy Energy briefing (EN, DE, PL, CZ); Lignite briefing (EN, TK, DE); Chronic Coal report (EN, SB, RO)
10 May – Toxic-free future
75% of chemicals produced in the EU are hazardous to health
On 26 May vote for a toxic free future and an end to our daily exposure to a cocktail of chemicals
More resources: HEAL briefing on a non-toxic strategy (EN, FR, NL)
13 May – Healthy mobility
Fossil fuelled cars, buses and trucks are noisy, pollute the air and threaten our health.
On 26 May vote for healthy mobility
More resources: HEAL project on healthy transport in Germany
14 May – A safe and toxic-free circular economy
In the EU, new plastic toys are produced under stricter standards than recycled ones
On 26 May vote in the European elections to support consumer products that are safe and free of toxic chemicals
More resources: Toxic Loophole – how hazardous waste is recycled into new products (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Detoxing Carpets (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers (available in EN, FR, DE, NL); Infographic: the European Carpet Market (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: What are the health impacts of toxic chemicals possibly present in carpets? (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: Toxic chemicals detected in carpets and their potential health impacts; Video: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers
30 April – A healthy planet for healthy people
Die Verhinderung von Umweltverschmutzung kann Leben retten und die Zahl von Krankheitsfällen senken. Stimme am 26. Mai für einen gesunden Planeten und gesunde Menschen – EU-Gesetze können Umweltverschmutzung reduzieren und Krankheiten verhindern
2 May – Protection of the most vulnerable
Eine verschmutzte Umwelt ist besonders gefährlich für Kinder, ältere Menschen, Kranke und in Armut lebende Menschen. Stimme am 26. Mai ab, um gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten zu beseitigen und die am stärksten gefährdeten Personen zu schützen.
3 May – Climate action for health
Der Klimawandel ist die größte gesundheitliche Bedrohung des 21. Jahrhunderts, aber Klimaschutz kann unmittelbare und erhebliche gesundheitliche Vorteile bringen. Geh am 26. Mai zur Wahl – um sofortigen Klimaschutz und Gesundheitsschutz sicherzustellen
More resources: HEAL infographic on climate change and health
6 May – EDC-Free future
Die tägliche Einwirkung von hormonstörenden Chemikalien trägt zu modernen Epidemien wie Brust- und Prostatakrebs, Fettleibigkeit und Diabetes sowie Unfruchtbarkeit und Lernstörungen bei. Stimme am 26. Mai ab, um Hormonstörer aus unserem Alltag, von Arbeitsplätzen und Konsumgütern fernzuhalten, und helfen Sie dabei, eine EDC-freie Zukunft aufzubauen
More resources: EDC Free website (available in EN – DE – NL – SE – DK – ES – FR); HEAL infographic on why low dose exposure matters (available in EN, FR, PT, ES, NL)
7 May – Clean up the air we breathe
Luftverschmutzung ist in Europa die gesundheitsschädlichste Umweltbedrohung und führt jedes Jahr zu 400.000 vorzeitigen Todesfällen. Stimme am 26. Mai für saubere Luft in unseren Städten und Gebäuden
More resources: HEAL infographic on clean air for health (available in EN, DE); HEAL briefing on healthy buildings
8 May – Stop pesticides to promote health
Pestizide in Lebensmitteln, Wasser und Luft können das Risiko für Krebs und Unfruchtbarkeit erhöhen, die gesunde Entwicklung von Kindern beeinträchtigen und unser Hormonsystem stören. Gib am 26. Mai Deine Stimme ab, um giftige Pestizide von unseren Lebensmitteln fernzuhalten und unsere Gesundheit zu schützen
More resources: HEAL chlorpyrifos fact sheet (available in EN, FR, ES). Petition to ban chlorpyrifos (available in EN, FR, DE)
9 May – Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
Kohleverbrennung zur Energieerzeugung ist die schmutzigste Form der Stromerzeugung, und wir bezahlen dafür – mit unserer Gesundheit und unseren Versicherungsbeiträgen. Wähle am 26. Mai gesunde Energie und Beendigung unserer Abhängigkeit von Kohle
More resources: HEAL campaign on on healthy energy; Healthy Energy briefing (EN, DE, PL, CZ); Lignite briefing (EN, TK, DE); Chronic Coal report (EN, SB, RO)
10 May – Toxic-free future
75% der in der EU hergestellten Chemikalien sind gesundheitsgefährdend. Stimme am 26. Mai für eine giftfreie Zukunft und den Stop unseres täglichen Kontakts mit einem Cocktail von Chemikalien
More resources: HEAL briefing on a non-toxic strategy (EN, FR, NL)
13 May – Healthy mobility
Autos, Busse und Lastwagen mit fossilem Treibstoff sind laut, verschmutzen die Luft und gefährden unsere Gesundheit. Stimme am 26. Mai stimmen für gesunde Mobilität
More resources: HEAL project on healthy transport in Germany
14 May – A safe and toxic-free circular economy
In der EU werden neue Plastikspielzeuge nach strengeren Standards hergestellt als recycelte. Stimme am 26. Mai bei den Europawahlen für Verbraucherprodukte, die sicher und frei von giftigen Chemikalien sind
More resources: Toxic Loophole – how hazardous waste is recycled into new products (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Detoxing Carpets (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers (available in EN, FR, DE, NL); Infographic: the European Carpet Market (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: What are the health impacts of toxic chemicals possibly present in carpets? (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: Toxic chemicals detected in carpets and their potential health impacts; Video: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers
30 April – A healthy planet for healthy people
Zapobieganie zanieczyszczeniu środowiska może zmniejszać liczbę chorób i przedwczesnych zgonów. 26 maja głosujmy na tych, którzy dbają o zdrową planetę i zdrowie obywateli – przepisy UE mogą zmniejszyć zanieczyszczenie środowiska i zapobiegać chorobom
2 May – Protection of the most vulnerable
Zanieczyszczone środowisko najbardziej zagraża dzieciom, osobom starszym, chorym i żyjącym w ubóstwie. 26 maja głosujmy przeciw środowiskowym nierównościom zdrowia publicznego i za ochroną najsłabszych
3 May – Climate action for health
Zmiana klimatu jest największym zagrożeniem dla zdrowia XXI wieku, a działania mające na celu przeciwdziałanie temu procesowi mogą przynieść natychmiastowe i znaczące korzyści zdrowotne. 26 maja głosujmy tak, by zapewnić sobie i przyszłym pokoleniom skuteczne działania na rzecz ochrony zdrowia i klimatu
More resources: HEAL infographic on climate change and health
6 May – EDC-Free future
Codzienne narażenie na substancje zakłócające funkcjonowanie układu hormonalnego przyczynia się do współczesnych epidemii zdrowia, takich jak nowotwór piersi i prostaty, otyłość, cukrzyca, a także zaburzenia płodności i funkcji kognitywnych. 26 maja głosujmy za wyeliminowaniem substancji powodujących zaburzenia hormonalne z naszego codziennego życia, miejsc pracy i produktów konsumenckich
More resources: EDC Free website (available in EN – DE – NL – SE – DK – ES – FR); HEAL infographic on why low dose exposure matters (available in EN, FR, PT, ES, NL)
7 May – Clean up the air we breathe
Zanieczyszczenie powietrza jest najpoważniejszym zagrożeniem środowiskowym zdrowia publicznego w Europie, które prowadzi do 400 000 przedwczesnych zgonów każdego roku. 26 maja głosujmy na czyste powietrze w naszych miastach i budynkach
More resources: HEAL infographic on clean air for health (available in EN, DE); HEAL briefing on healthy buildings
8 May – Stop pesticides to promote health
Pestycydy w żywności, wodzie i powietrzu mogą zwiększać ryzyko raka i niepłodności, szkodzić zdrowemu rozwojowi dzieci oraz zakłócać funkcjonowanie układu hormonalnego. 26 maja głosujmy za wyeliminowaniem trujących pestycydów z naszej żywności i ochroną zdrowia rolników
More resources: HEAL chlorpyrifos fact sheet (available in EN, FR, ES). Petition to ban chlorpyrifos (available in EN, FR, DE)
9 May – Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
Spalanie węgla do produkcji energii jest najbardziej zanieczyszczającą formą jej wytwarzania – płacimy za nią zarówno naszym zdrowiem jak i budżetem na opiekę zdrowotną. 26 maja głosujmy na zdrową energię i koniec uzależnienia od węgla
More resources: HEAL campaign on on healthy energy; Healthy Energy briefing (EN, DE, PL, CZ); Lignite briefing (EN, TK, DE); Chronic Coal report (EN, SB, RO)
10 May – Toxic-free future
75% chemikaliów produkowanych w UE jest niebezpiecznych dla zdrowia. 26 maja zagłosuj za wyeliminowaniem toksycznych chemikaliów
More resources: HEAL briefing on a non-toxic strategy (EN, FR, NL)
13 May – Healthy mobility
Samochody napędzane paliwami kopalnymi, autobusy i ciężarówki powodują nadmierny hałas, zanieczyszczają powietrze i zagrażają naszemu zdrowiu. 26 maja głosujmy za zrównoważonym, zdrowszym transportem
More resources: HEAL project on healthy transport in Germany
14 May – A safe and toxic-free circular economy
W UE nowe zabawki z tworzyw sztucznych są produkowane zgodnie z surowszymi normami niż te z recyklingu. 26 maja głosujmy w wyborach europejskich wspierając produkcję bezpieczną dla zdrowia i wolną od toksycznych substancji chemicznych
More resources: Toxic Loophole – how hazardous waste is recycled into new products (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Detoxing Carpets (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers (available in EN, FR, DE, NL); Infographic: the European Carpet Market (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: What are the health impacts of toxic chemicals possibly present in carpets? (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: Toxic chemicals detected in carpets and their potential health impacts; Video: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers
30 April – A healthy planet for healthy people
Het voorkomen van milieuvervuiling kan levens redden en het aantal ziektes verminderen. Stem in mei voor een gezonde planeet voor gezonde mensen. EU-wetgeving kan milieuvervuiling verminderen en ziektes voorkomen
2 May – Protection of the most vulnerable
Milieuvervuiling is het gevaarlijkst voor kinderen, oudere mensen, mensen die al ziek zijn en mensen die in armoede leven. Stem in mei om de ongelijkheden op het gebied van milieugezondheid te beëindigen en de meest kwetsbaren te beschermen
3 May – Climate action for health
Klimaatverandering is de grootste bedreiging voor onze gezondheid van de 21ste eeuw. Actie om dit aan te pakken kan onmiddelijke en aanzienlijke voordelen opleveren. Stem in mei voor klimaatactie en bescherming van onze gezondheid
More resources: HEAL infographic on climate change and health
6 May – EDC-Free future
Onze dagelijkse blootstelling aan hormoonverstorende stoffen draagt bij aan hedendaagse gezondheidsepidemieën zoals borst- en prostaatkanker, obesitas en diabetes, onvruchtbaarheid en leerstoornissen. Stem in mei om hormoonverstoorders uit ons dagelijks leven, werkplekken en producten te weren en help een toekomst vrij van giftige stoffen op te bouwen
More resources: EDC Free website (available in EN – DE – NL – SE – DK – ES – FR); HEAL infographic on why low dose exposure matters (available in EN, FR, PT, ES, NL)
7 May – Clean up the air we breathe
Luchtvervuiling is de belangrijkste bedreiging voor onze gezondheid in Europa, die elk jaar tot 400,000 vroegtijdige sterfgevallen leidt. Stem in mei voor een schonere lucht in onze steden en gebouwen
More resources: HEAL infographic on clean air for health (available in EN, DE); HEAL briefing on healthy buildings
8 May – Stop pesticides to promote health
Pesticiden in ons eten, water en lucht kunnen het risico op kanker en onvruchtbaarheid verhogen, de gezonde ontwikkeling van kinderen schaden en onze hormonen verstoren. Stem in mei om giftige pesticiden uit onze voeding te houden en onze gezondheid te beschermen
More resources: HEAL chlorpyrifos fact sheet (available in EN, FR, ES). Petition to ban chlorpyrifos (available in EN, FR, DE)
9 May – Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
Het verbranden van steenkool is de meest vervuilende vorm van energieopwekking. We betalen hiervoor met onze gezondheid en zorguitgaven. Stem in mei voor gezonde energie en om een einde te maken aan onze verslaving aan steenkool
More resources: HEAL campaign on on healthy energy; Healthy Energy briefing (EN, DE, PL, CZ); Lignite briefing (EN, TK, DE); Chronic Coal report (EN, SB, RO)
10 May – Toxic-free future
75% van de chemicaliën geproduceerd in de EU zijn gevaarlijk voor onze gezondheid. Stem in mei voor een toekomst zonder giftige stoffen en voor een einde aan onze dagelijkse blootstelling aan een cocktail van chemicaliën
More resources: HEAL briefing on a non-toxic strategy (EN, FR, NL)
13 May – Healthy mobility
Auto’s, bussen en vrachtwagens die rijden op fossiele brandstoffen maken lawaai, vervuilen de lucht en bedreigen onze gezondheid. Stem in mei voor gezonde mobiliteit
More resources: HEAL project on healthy transport in Germany
14 May – A safe and toxic-free circular economy
In de EU wordt nieuw plastic speelgoed geproduceerd onder strengere normen dan gerecycleerd plastic speelgoed. Stem in mei in de Europese verkiezingen om giftige stoffen in producten tegen te gaan
More resources: Toxic Loophole – how hazardous waste is recycled into new products (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Detoxing Carpets (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers (available in EN, FR, DE, NL); Infographic: the European Carpet Market (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: What are the health impacts of toxic chemicals possibly present in carpets? (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: Toxic chemicals detected in carpets and their potential health impacts; Video: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers
30 April – A healthy planet for healthy people
Prévenir la pollution de l’environnement peut sauver des vies et réduire le nombre de maladies. Le 26 mai, votez pour une planète et des personnes en bonne santé – Les lois européennes peuvent réduire la pollution de l’environnement et prévenir les maladies
2 May – Protection of the most vulnerable
Un environnement pollué est particulièrement dangereux pour les enfants, les personnes âgées, les personnes déjà malades et les personnes vivant dans la pauvreté. Le 26 mai, votez pour mettre fin aux inégalités en matière de santé environnementale et protéger les plus vulnérables
3 May – Climate action for health
Le changement climatique est la plus grande menace sanitaire du 21ème siècle, mais des mesures pour y faire face peuvent apporter des bénéfices immédiats et significatifs pour la santé. Le 26 mai, votez lors des élections pour assurer la lutte contre le changement climatique et la protection de la santé
More resources: HEAL infographic on climate change and health
6 May – EDC-Free future
L’exposition quotidienne aux perturbateurs endocriniens contribue aux épidémies modernes telles que le cancer du sein et de la prostate, l’obésité et le diabète, ainsi que la stérilité et les troubles de l’apprentissage. Le 26 mai, votez pour éliminer les perturbateurs endocriniens de notre quotidien, de nos lieux de travail et de nos produits de consommation
More resources: EDC Free website (available in EN – DE – NL – SE – DK – ES – FR); HEAL infographic on why low dose exposure matters (available in EN, FR, PT, ES, NL)
7 May – Clean up the air we breathe
La pollution de l’air est la principale menace environnementale pour la santé en Europe et entraîne 400 000 décès prématurés chaque année. Le 26 mai, vote pour purifier l’air que nous respirons dans nos villes et nos bâtiments
More resources: HEAL infographic on clean air for health (available in EN, DE); HEAL briefing on healthy buildings
8 May – Stop pesticides to promote health
Les pesticides présents dans nos aliments, notre eau et notre air peuvent augmenter les risques de cancer et d’infertilité, nuire au bon développement des enfants et perturber le système hormonal. Le 26 mai, votez pour éliminer les pesticides toxiques de nos aliments et protéger notre santé
More resources: HEAL chlorpyrifos fact sheet (available in EN, FR, ES). Petition to ban chlorpyrifos (available in EN, FR, DE)
9 May – Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
La combustion du charbon pour la production d’énergie est la forme de production d’électricité la plus polluante et nous le payons de notre santé et aux dépens de la sécurité sociale. Le 26 mai, votez pour une énergie saine et pour mettre fin à la dépendance au charbon
More resources: HEAL campaign on on healthy energy; Healthy Energy briefing (EN, DE, PL, CZ); Lignite briefing (EN, TK, DE); Chronic Coal report (EN, SB, RO)
10 May – Toxic-free future
75% des produits chimiques fabriqués dans l’UE sont dangereux pour la santé. Le 26 mai, votez pour un avenir sans toxiques et pour mettre fin à notre exposition quotidienne à un cocktail de produits chimiques
More resources: HEAL briefing on a non-toxic strategy (EN, FR, NL)
13 May – Healthy mobility
Les voitures, les autobus et les camions alimentés par des combustibles fossiles sont bruyants, polluent l’air et menacent notre santé. Le 26 mai, votez pour une mobilité saine
More resources: HEAL project on healthy transport in Germany
14 May – A safe and toxic-free circular economy
Dans l’UE, les nouveaux jouets en plastique sont fabriqués selon des normes plus strictes que les jouets recyclés. Le 26 mai, votez aux élections européennes pour exiger des produits de consommation sûrs et exempts de produits chimiques toxiques
More resources: Toxic Loophole – how hazardous waste is recycled into new products (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Detoxing Carpets (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers (available in EN, FR, DE, NL); Infographic: the European Carpet Market (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: What are the health impacts of toxic chemicals possibly present in carpets? (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: Toxic chemicals detected in carpets and their potential health impacts; Video: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers
30 April – A healthy planet for healthy people
Prevenire l’inquinamento ambientale può salvare vite umane e ridurre il numero di malattie. Il 26 maggio voteremo per un Pianeta sano e quindi per la salute delle persone: le leggi dell’UE possono ridurre l’inquinamento ambientale e prevenire le malattie
2 May – Protection of the most vulnerable
Un ambiente inquinato è più pericoloso per i bambini, gli anziani, i malati e le persone che vivono in povertà. Il 26 maggio, voteremo per porre fine alle disuguaglianze in materia di salute e ambiente e per proteggere le persone più vulnerabili
3 May – Climate action for health
Il cambiamento climatico è la più grave minaccia per la salute del 21° secolo, le azioni per affrontarlo possono fornire benefici immediati e significativi per la salute. Il 26 maggio voteremo alle elezioni per garantire l’azione per il clima e la protezione della salute
More resources: HEAL infographic on climate change and health
6 May – EDC-Free future
L’esposizione quotidiana a sostanze chimiche che distruggono gli ormoni contribuisce a epidemie come cancro al seno e alla prostata, obesità e diabete nonché infertilità e disturbi dell’apprendimento. Il 26 maggio, voteremo per mantenere le sostanze tossiche fuori dalla nostra vita quotidiana, dai luoghi di lavoro e dai prodotti di consumo
More resources: EDC Free website (available in EN – DE – NL – SE – DK – ES – FR); HEAL infographic on why low dose exposure matters (available in EN, FR, PT, ES, NL)
7 May – Clean up the air we breathe
L’inquinamento atmosferico è la principale minaccia ambientale per la salute in Europa; causa 400.000 morti premature ogni anno. Il 26 maggio voteremo per ripulire l’aria che respiriamo nelle nostre città
More resources: HEAL infographic on clean air for health (available in EN, DE); HEAL briefing on healthy buildings
8 May – Stop pesticides to promote health
I pesticidi nei nostri alimenti, acqua e aria possono aumentare il rischio di cancro e infertilità, danneggiare lo sviluppo dei bambini e disturbare i nostri sistemi ormonali. Il 26 maggio voteremo per tenere lontani i pesticidi tossici dal nostro cibo e per proteggere la nostra salute
More resources: HEAL chlorpyrifos fact sheet (available in EN, FR, ES). Petition to ban chlorpyrifos (available in EN, FR, DE)
9 May – Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
La combustione del carbone per la produzione di energia è la forma più inquinante di produzione di energia e noi la paghiamo con i nostri bilanci sanitari. Il 26 maggio voteremo per l’energia pulita e per porre fine alla dipendenza dal carbone
More resources: HEAL campaign on on healthy energy; Healthy Energy briefing (EN, DE, PL, CZ); Lignite briefing (EN, TK, DE); Chronic Coal report (EN, SB, RO)
10 May – Toxic-free future
Il 75% delle sostanze chimiche prodotte nell’UE sono pericolose per la salute. Il 26 maggio voteremo per un futuro libero da sostanze tossiche e per dire basta all’esposizione giornaliera a un cocktail di sostanze chimiche
More resources: HEAL briefing on a non-toxic strategy (EN, FR, NL)
13 May – Healthy mobility
Auto, autobus e camion alimentati a combustibili fossili sono rumorosi, inquinano l’aria e minacciano la nostra salute. Il 26 maggio voteremo per una mobilità sana e sostenibile
More resources: HEAL project on healthy transport in Germany
14 May – A safe and toxic-free circular economy
Nell’UE, i nuovi giocattoli di plastica sono prodotti in base a standard più rigorosi rispetto a quelli riciclati. Il 26 maggio voteremo alle elezioni europee per sostenere prodotti di consumo sicuri e privi di sostanze chimiche tossiche
More resources: Toxic Loophole – how hazardous waste is recycled into new products (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Detoxing Carpets (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers (available in EN, FR, DE, NL); Infographic: the European Carpet Market (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: What are the health impacts of toxic chemicals possibly present in carpets? (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: Toxic chemicals detected in carpets and their potential health impacts; Video: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers
30 April – A healthy planet for healthy people
Предотвратяването на замърсяването на околната среда може да спаси живота и да намали жертвите на болести. На 26 май е гласуването за здравословна планета за здрави хора – законите на ЕС могат да намалят замърсяването на околната среда и да предотвратят болести
2 May – Protection of the most vulnerable
Замърсената околна среда е най-опасна за деца, възрастни хора, вече болни и хора, живеещи в бедност. На 26 май се гласува за премахване на неравнопоставеността в здравеопазването и за защита на най-уязвимите
3 May – Climate action for health
Изменението на климата е най-голямата заплаха за здравето на 21-ви век, но действията за справяне с нея могат да осигурят незабавни и значителни ползи за здравето. На 26 май гласувайте на изборите, за да гарантирате действията в областта на климата и опазването на здравето
More resources: HEAL infographic on climate change and health
6 May – EDC-Free future
Ежедневното излагане на химически вещества, нарушаващи хормоните, допринася за модерни епидемии като рак на гърдата и простатата, затлъстяване и диабет, както и за безплодие и нарушения в обучението. На 26 май се гласува, за да запазите разрушителите на хормоните от ежедневието, работните места и потребителските продукти
More resources: EDC Free website (available in EN – DE – NL – SE – DK – ES – FR); HEAL infographic on why low dose exposure matters (available in EN, FR, PT, ES, NL)
7 May – Clean up the air we breathe
Замърсяването на въздуха е екологичната заплаха номер едно за здравето в Европа, то води до 400 000 ранни смъртни случаи всяка година. На 26 май се гласува за почистване на въздуха, който дишаме в нашите градове и сгради
More resources: HEAL infographic on clean air for health (available in EN, DE); HEAL briefing on healthy buildings
8 May – Stop pesticides to promote health
Пестицидите в нашата храна, вода и въздух могат да увеличат риска от рак и безплодие, да увредят здравословното развитие на децата и да нарушат хормоналните ни системи. На 26 май се гласува за запазване на отровни пестициди от храната ни и за защита на нашето здраве
More resources: HEAL chlorpyrifos fact sheet (available in EN, FR, ES). Petition to ban chlorpyrifos (available in EN, FR, DE)
9 May – Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
Изгарянето на въглища за производство на енергия е най-замърсяващата форма на производство на електроенергия и ние плащаме за нея с нашия бюджет за здравеопазване и здраве. На 26 май се гласува за здравословна енергия и за прекратяване на обвързаността към въглищата
More resources: HEAL campaign on on healthy energy; Healthy Energy briefing (EN, DE, PL, CZ); Lignite briefing (EN, TK, DE); Chronic Coal report (EN, SB, RO)
10 May – Toxic-free future
75% от произведените в ЕС химикали са опасни за здравето. На 26 май се гласува за без токсично бъдеще и край на ежедневното ни излагане на химикали
More resources: HEAL briefing on a non-toxic strategy (EN, FR, NL)
13 May – Healthy mobility
Автомобилите, автобусите и камионите, работещи с изкопаеми горива, са шумни, замърсяват въздуха и застрашават нашето здраве. На 26 май се гласува за здравословна мобилност
More resources: HEAL project on healthy transport in Germany
14 May – A safe and toxic-free circular economy
В ЕС новите пластмасови играчки се произвеждат по по-строги стандарти от рециклираните. На 26 май се гласува на европейските избори в подкрепа на потребителски продукти, които са безопасни и без токсични химикали
More resources: Toxic Loophole – how hazardous waste is recycled into new products (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Detoxing Carpets (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers (available in EN, FR, DE, NL); Infographic: the European Carpet Market (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: What are the health impacts of toxic chemicals possibly present in carpets? (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: Toxic chemicals detected in carpets and their potential health impacts; Video: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers
30 April – A healthy planet for healthy people
A környezetszennyezés megelőzése életmentő lehet, valamint csökkentheti a betegségek hatását. Május 26-án szavazzon az egészséges bolygón élő egészséges emberekre – az uniós törvényi szabályozások csökkenthetik a környezetszennyezést és a betegségek kialakulásának kockázatát
2 May – Protection of the most vulnerable
A szennyezett környezet különösen veszélyes a gyermekek, az idősek, a valamilyen betegségben szenvedők és a szegénységben élők számára. Május 26-án szavazzon a környezet-egészségügyi egyenlőtlenségek megszüntetésére és a legkiszolgáltatottabb csoportok támogatására
3 May – Climate action for health
A 21. század legnagyobb egészségügyi fenyegetése a klímaváltozás, az ellene tett lépések azonban azonnali és jelentős egészségügyi előnyökkel járhatnak. Szavazzon május 26-án, és támogassa a klímaváltozás elleni küzdelmet és az egészségvédelmet
More resources: HEAL infographic on climate change and health
6 May – EDC-Free future
Nap mint nap kapcsolatba kerülünk a hormonok működését megzavaró vegyszerekkel, amelyek olyan gyakori betegségek kialakulásáért felelősek, mint a mell- és prosztatarák, a túlsúlyosság, a cukorbetegség, valamint a meddőség és a tanulási zavarok. Május 26-án szavazzon arra, hogy száműzzük a hormonháztartást megzavaró vegyszereket az életünkből, a munkahelyeinkről és a fogyasztási cikkeinkből, ami az első lépés egy EDC-mentes világ felé
More resources: EDC Free website (available in EN – DE – NL – SE – DK – ES – FR); HEAL infographic on why low dose exposure matters (available in EN, FR, PT, ES, NL)
7 May – Clean up the air we breathe
A légszennyezés a legjelentősebb egészségkárosító környezeti tényező Európában, amely évente 400 000 korai elhalálozásért felelős. Május 26-án szavazzon városaink és épületeink tisztább levegőjére
More resources: HEAL infographic on clean air for health (available in EN, DE); HEAL briefing on healthy buildings
8 May – Stop pesticides to promote health
Az ételeinkben, vizeinkben és a levegőben található rovarirtó szerek növelik a rák és a meddőség kialakulásának kockázatát, veszélyeztetik a gyermekek egészséges fejlődését és megzavarják a test hormonális működését. Május 26-án tegye le voksát a rovarirtómentes élelmiszerek és a gazdálkodók védelme mellett
More resources: HEAL chlorpyrifos fact sheet (available in EN, FR, ES). Petition to ban chlorpyrifos (available in EN, FR, DE)
9 May – Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
A szénégetés az energiatermelés legszennyezőbb formája, amiért az egészségünkkel és növekvő egészségügyi kiadásokkal fizetünk. Május 26-án szavazzon az egészséges energiára, hogy leszámolhassunk a szénfüggőséggel
More resources: HEAL campaign on on healthy energy; Healthy Energy briefing (EN, DE, PL, CZ); Lignite briefing (EN, TK, DE); Chronic Coal report (EN, SB, RO)
10 May – Toxic-free future
Az EU-ban termelt vegyi anyagok 75%-a veszélyes az egészségünkre. Május 26-án szavazzon egy mérgező anyagoktól mentes jövőre, hogy ne legyünk nap mint nap kitéve mindenféle vegyszernek
More resources: HEAL briefing on a non-toxic strategy (EN, FR, NL)
13 May – Healthy mobility
A fosszilis üzemanyaggal működő autók, buszok és teherautók zajosak, szennyezik a levegőt és veszélyeztetik egészségünket. Május 26-án szavazzon az egészséges közlekedésre
More resources: HEAL project on healthy transport in Germany
14 May – A safe and toxic-free circular economy
Az EU-ban szigorúbb szabályozás vonatkozik az új műanyag játékokra, mint az újrahasznosított műanyagból készültekre. Május 26-án támogassa a biztonságos és káros vegyi anyagoktól mentes fogyasztási cikkeket az európai parlamenti választásokon
More resources: Toxic Loophole – how hazardous waste is recycled into new products (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Detoxing Carpets (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers (available in EN, FR, DE, NL); Infographic: the European Carpet Market (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: What are the health impacts of toxic chemicals possibly present in carpets? (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: Toxic chemicals detected in carpets and their potential health impacts; Video: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers
30 April – A healthy planet for healthy people
Combaterea poluării mediului poate salva vieți și poate reduce numărul îmbolnăvirilor. Pe 26 mai, votați ca să avem o planetă sănătoasă cu oameni sănătoși – legislația UE poate reduce poluarea mediului și poate preveni apariția bolilor
2 May – Protection of the most vulnerable
Un mediu poluat este extrem de periculos pentru copii, pentru vârstnici, pentru cei deja bolnavi sau pentru cei care trăiesc în condiții de sărăcie. Pe 26 mai, votați pentru a pune capăt inegalității în sănătatea ce tine de calitatea mediului și pentru a-i proteja pe cei mai vulnerabili dintre noi
3 May – Climate action for health
Schimbările climatice reprezintă cea mai mare amenințare la adresa sănătății din secolul XXI, însă dacă acționăm pentru combaterea lor, putem vedea efecte imediate și semnificative pentru sănătate. Pe 26 mai, votați la alegeri pentru a asigura acum combaterea schimbărilor climatice și protejarea sănătății
More resources: HEAL infographic on climate change and health
6 May – EDC-Free future
Expunerea zilnică la substanțe chimice care cauzează dereglări hormonale contribuie la apariția unor probleme de sănătate larg răspândite în lumea modernă, cum ar fi cancerul de sân și de prostată, obezitatea și diabetul, alături de infertilitate și dificultățile de învățare. Pe 26 mai, votați ca să ținem substanțele care ne afectează echilibrul hormonal departe de viața noastră de zi cu zi, de locurile noastre de muncă și de produsele de consum și să ajutăm la construirea unui viitor fără perturbatori endocrini (EDC)
More resources: EDC Free website (available in EN – DE – NL – SE – DK – ES – FR); HEAL infographic on why low dose exposure matters (available in EN, FR, PT, ES, NL)
7 May – Clean up the air we breathe
Poluarea aerului este principala amenințare de mediu asupra sănătății locuitorilor din Europa, cauzând 400 000 de decese premature în fiecare an. Pe 26 mai, votați ca să respirăm un aer mai curat în orașele și în clădirile în care trăim
More resources: HEAL infographic on clean air for health (available in EN, DE); HEAL briefing on healthy buildings
8 May – Stop pesticides to promote health
Pesticidele din alimente, din apă și din aer pot crește riscul apariției cancerului și a infertilității, pot afecta dezvoltarea sănătoasă a copiilor și pot cauza dereglări ale sistemului hormonal. Pe 26 mai, votați ca să nu mai existe pesticide otrăvitoare în alimentele pe care le consumăm și să protejăm sănătatea fermierilor
More resources: HEAL chlorpyrifos fact sheet (available in EN, FR, ES). Petition to ban chlorpyrifos (available in EN, FR, DE)
9 May – Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
Arderea cărbunelui este cea mai poluantă formă de producție a energiei electrice, iar noi o plătim cu sănătatea noastră și cu banii din bugetele pentru sănătate. Pe 26 mai, votați pentru energie curată și pentru a pune capăt dependenței de cărbune
More resources: HEAL campaign on on healthy energy; Healthy Energy briefing (EN, DE, PL, CZ); Lignite briefing (EN, TK, DE); Chronic Coal report (EN, SB, RO)
10 May – Toxic-free future
75 % dintre substanțele chimice produse în UE sunt periculoase pentru sănătate. Pe 26 mai, votați ca să avem un viitor fără substanțe toxice și să punem capăt expunerii noastre zilnice la amestecuri de substanțe chimice nocive
More resources: HEAL briefing on a non-toxic strategy (EN, FR, NL)
13 May – Healthy mobility
Autoturismele, autobuzele și camioanele care funcționează cu combustibili fosili sunt zgomotoase, poluează aerul și ne amenință sănătatea. Pe 26 mai, votați pentru mijloace de transport ecologice
More resources: HEAL project on healthy transport in Germany
14 May – A safe and toxic-free circular economy
În UE, jucăriile din plastic noi sunt produse cu respectarea unor standarde mai stricte decât cele reciclate. Pe 26 mai, votați la alegerile europene pentru a susține fabricarea de produse de consum sigure și fără substanțe chimice toxice
More resources: Toxic Loophole – how hazardous waste is recycled into new products (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Detoxing Carpets (available in EN, NL, FR, DE); Briefing: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers (available in EN, FR, DE, NL); Infographic: the European Carpet Market (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: What are the health impacts of toxic chemicals possibly present in carpets? (available in EN, FR, NL, DE); Infographic: Toxic chemicals detected in carpets and their potential health impacts; Video: Toxic chemicals found in carpets sold by major European manufacturers