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Germany’s biggest annual public health conference took place 20 and 21 March in Berlin, bringing together 2,500 participants on the topic of ‘Armut und Gesundheit’ (Poverty and Health). The conference focused on the country’s most pressing public health issues viewed in the context of increasing poverty and inequalities in health and health care.

With HEAL’s last year’s expert forum on climate change and health having received a lot of positive feedback, another expert forum was organised under ‘The healthy city of tomorrow’. It covered the crucial role of healthy transport (in light of Germany’s Diesel scandal) as well as healthier and more energy efficient buildings in striving to achieve better cities with good air quality. Next to HEAL’s Health and Climate Change Coordinator, Vijoleta Gordeljevic, two more speakers presented their expertise to an enthusiastic audience: Dr. med. Winfried Zacher, general practitioner and member of Germanwatch, and Martin Lutz from the Berlin Senate Administration for Environment, Air Quality and Climate Action who spoke about Berlin’s experience dealing with transport induced air pollution.

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