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Air pollution from the transport sector (including nitrogen dioxide (NO2)) is of health concern for everyone, and some groups are more vulnerable to pollution impacts, for example children. In September, as children in Poland return to school, a HEAL initiative focuses on raising awareness with parents on the importance of clean air around schools, and on encouraging healthy school mobility and school streets. 

“Children are exposed to higher levels of pollution due to their higher respiratory rate relative to their body surface area and less developed natural protective barriers against inhaled particles. The negative impact of pollution is already observed at the fetal development stage, and the consequences later in life include the onset and exacerbation of many diseases, including those of the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems” , says Dr. Małgorzata Bulanda, clinical allergist from the Department of Clinical and Environmental Allergology at Jagiellonian University Medical College and the Clinical and Environmental Allergy Center at the University Hospital in Krakow. 

Researchers agree that reducing exposure to air pollution can lead to significant health improvements, minimise the risk of developing various, sometimes chronic diseases, enhance cognitive functions and concentration, and ultimately result in better academic performance and well-being for children. 

HEAL Poland invites parents to:

  • Support changes in schools and local communities that promote access to green spaces, eco-friendly modes of transportation, and reduce emissions.  
  • Encourage children to engage in healthy mobility on the way to school, including walking and biking. 

Learn more from HEAL Poland. 

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