The ban of BPA in food contact materials will help protect people from these endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), that have also been classified as toxic for reproduction since 2006 under REACH. Exposure to Bisphenol A and other bisphenols is associated with breast cancer, infertility, early puberty, diabetes and obesity, and neurological disorders in children. But this restriction focuses on one area where bisphenols are widely used – the work to protect people's health from the group of chemicals, and in particular children is therefore far from over.
Science has a crucial role to play in the implementation of the revised EU clean air law, according to a new briefing by the METEOR research cluster. The briefing showcases how the projects in this EU funded research cluster can help support policymakers in the design of clean air measures and help in evaluating those which are most beneficial to health.
METEOR is a cluster of five Horizon Europe projects researching the health impacts of environmental stressors, such as air and noise pollution, chemicals, and related socioeconomic costs. HEAL is involved in METEOR through being a partner in the UBDPolicy, research project.
As policymakers start to implement the new EU requirements which include stricter legally binding limit values for key air pollutants, METEOR members can provide expertise input for example by providing additional air monitoring data, supporting air quality modelling and projections, or generating evidence on the health and socio-economic benefits of AAQD implementation.
The briefing also includes policy recommendations, encouraging decision-makers to take urgent and decisive measures to address air pollution; consider establishing a plan or process on how the latest science, health monitoring, modelling, economic valuation will be considered in the AAQD implementation; consider how research can support fully aligning EU clean air standards with 2021 WHO air quality guidelines, and pay specific attention to socio-economic inequalities and vulnerability.