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Independent data highlights air pollution crisis in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Independent data highlights air pollution crisis in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dust pollution in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been twice the legal limit on two thirds of monitored days in 2018 and caused over one hundred premature deaths in adults during the year, according to independent new data published today in the report 'Lifting the Smog' by CEE Bankwatch Network, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and the Center for Ecology and Energy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
How the chemicals in food contact materials are putting our health at risk

How the chemicals in food contact materials are putting our health at risk

Nobody should ever have to worry about toxic substances making their way into our food. Yet, if you ask around, most consumers have no idea about the composition of the packaging wrapping their food and drinks, and how this might affect them. Current loopholes in the European legislation on food contact materials have as a result that its objective to provide a high level of protection for health is not fulfilled.
A HEAL tribute to Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

A HEAL tribute to Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

On 30th January 2019, the European environmental health community lost one of its inspiring pioneers, when Jean-Pierre Bourguignon passed away. Today the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) would like to pay tribute and express our gratitude to this forward-looking paediatrician and endocrinologist.
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