Ten pathways for better health 2024-2029
Letter: Keep health in the scope of the EP’s ENVI Committee
EU strategic agenda: Tackling pollution for healthy people, and a strong and secure Europe
Open letter to European Parliament group leaders by the Green 10
Call for renewed, strengthened commitment to protect people’s health from climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss
Letter to EU environment ministers ahead of June EU Environment Council Conclusions on 8EAP
To achieve a strong Europe, we need leaders unafraid to prioritise health
Wichtige Entscheidung im EU-Parlament für saubere Luft und Gesundheit
Das Europäische Parlament hat heute mit großer Mehrheit (381 Stimmen) die vorläufige Trilog-Vereinbarung zur Überarbeitung der EU-Luftqualitätsrichtlinie angenommen. Damit ist eine wesentliche Hürde genommen, um die veralteten EU-Luftqualitätsstandards aus dem Jahr 2008…
Press note: The EU Healthy Air Coalition welcomes European Parliament vote for cleaner air and better health
Press release: Clean air in cities for better health
Joint letter to German MEPs regarding revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD)
Letter from EU Healthy Air Coalition to MEPs: Support the trilogue deal for cleaner air and better health
The EU Healthy Air Coalition has sent a letter to members of the European Parliament, ahead of the Plenary voting on “Ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe”, procedure…
HEAL letter on EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029: Include and prioritise both climate and environmental action for healthier people and a healthier planet
HEAL has today sent a letter to members of the European Council regarding the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029. The over 80 members strong alliance working for a healthy planet for…
HEAL response to call for evidence on National Emission Reduction Commitments Directive (NEC)
European health sector letter to EU environment ministers: swiftly adopt AAQD deal
HEAL and six more organisations representing the European health sector have sent a letter to EU environment ministers, calling on them to swiftly adopt in Council the deal reached by…
Opinion: The latest update of EU clean air standards could benefit Poland greatly
Will the Polish government support higher ambitions for improving air quality for health?
Health sector meeting with Poland’s Ministry of Climate and Environment: say yes to the AAQD deal!
EU geht wichtigen Schritt, um Menschen europaweit vor Luftverschmutzung zu schützen
Berlin / Brüssel, 21. Februar 2024 Gesundheitsexpert:innen begrüßen die gestern im Trilog erzielte Einigung zur Aktualisierung der EU-Luftqualitätsrichtlinie (Ambient Air Quality Directive). Sie appellieren an die deutschen Europaabgeordneten und die Bundesregierung, diese…