Celebrating 20 years of HEAL
Joint letter to EU environment ministers: Health sector calls for clean air to prevent disease and save lives
Today, HEAL, with seven more health organisations, has sent a letter to EU environment ministers about the EU’s clean air standards (Ambient Air Quality Directives - AAQD). The organisations, representing…
HEAL General Assembly 2023 – celebrating 20 years of work towards a healthy planet for healthy people
Webinar: Reducing the urban burden of disease: from science to policy action
Webinar recording: Building Health Bridges for Clean Air
Press note: Air quality: HEAL comment on today’s EP plenary vote
Press note: Will members of the European Parliament vote for better health on 13 September?
Next Wednesday, 13 September 2023, the European Parliament will vote on the revision of the EU’s Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD) (2022/0347(COD)), a key law for the protection of people’s…
Aufruf des Gesundheitssektors an Bundeskanzler Scholz anlässlich des Internationalen Tags der Sauberen Luft
Webinar series recordings: The healthy and clean city of tomorrow
In June 2023, HEAL organised a series of three webinars to put a spotlight on three themes for a healthy and clean city: physical activity, active mobility and reduced car…
Webinar: Building Health Bridges for Clean Air
Promoting health and well-being in urban environments
Science review: The health impacts of nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Air quality: HEAL comment on today’s EP ENVI committee vote
Clean Air for Health – the disease burden caused by air pollution
Air pollution is the top environmental threat to health in Europe. It leads to hundreds of thousands premature deaths per year and billions of Euros in health costs. It is…
Strong health call for clean air ahead of June Environment Council
Webinar series: The healthy and clean city of tomorrow
Health threats of short-term winter smog in Poland
Today, HEAL Poland has published an analysis of particulate matter air pollution in Poland during the 2022/23 heating season, and the associated health impacts of short-term exposure to air pollution.…
Encouraging healthy mobility in Warsaw, Poland
The city authorities of Warsaw have been consulting with residents and experts on the details of setting up a Low Emission Zone (LEZ), the first of its kind in the…
HEAL’s demands for clean air for health, for everyone
Air pollution is the top environmental risk to health in Europe and everyone is vulnerable to its impacts. People’s level of vulnerability is outside of individual control, as it evolves…