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Briefing: How clean air action can help address socio-economic health inequalities

As EU member states, regional and local authorities prepare to implement the revised Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD), this briefing by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) argues that decision-makers and authorities should pay particular attention to addressing socio-economic inequalities in their clean air efforts. The swift transposition and implementation of the new rules, with strengthened administrative collaboration and the full utilisation of financial support schemes, promise significant progress towards cleaner air across Europe. Improved air quality will be beneficial to everyone and contribute to preventing health inequalities for those living in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas.


Reducing air, chemicals and pesticides pollution for healthy brains: new research findings

HEAL recently highlighted the importance of continued EU action to reduce pollution in a panel discussion at the Brain Innovation Days. The science on how exposure to air, chemicals or pesticides pollution harms healthy brain development keeps growing: a recent review of 40 empirical studies conducted across four continents has shed light on the concerning link between outdoor air pollution and children's brain development.


Polish Public Health Council publishes first-ever position on the health impact of air pollution and climate change

HEAL in Poland welcomed the first position (in Polish) of the Public Health Council on the steps necessary to reduce the exposure of people in Poland air pollution and the effects of climate change.  The Public Health Council is an advisory body to the Minister of Health. Their positioning is particularly important in the context of the revised Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD) which entered into force on 10 December 2024.


First patient in Poland officially diagnosed with illness caused by smog: a year in review

While the health impacts of air pollution are well-documented in scientific studies, this factor has not been recognized in Polish medical diagnoses as a primary cause of health issues until a breakthrough case last year. As highlighted by HEAL in Poland in May 2023, an eleven-year-old boy, Maciek (name changed), suffered for most of his life from a persistent cough, shortness of breath, and frequent infections, all of which worsened during the heating season. After a prolonged struggle by Maciek’s parents to find the true cause of his health issues, a conclusive opinion was finally issued, stating: “suspected bronchial hyperreactivity/allergy due to air pollution.” 


Polish health experts call for a coal phase out, as smog season starts

Every year, air pollution in Poland reaches its highest levels during the smog season in winter. In view of the unacceptably high health burden and health costs from poor air quality, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and health experts urge the Polish government to increase efforts to reduce pollution in the energy sector. This includes setting a swift date for phasing out coal combustion in Poland, as well as accelerating the Just Transition in the energy sector.  


Joint letter to ministers of health on shaping a comprehensive global plastics treaty

Leading up to the fifth and final round of negotiations for the Global Plastics Treaty that will take place 25 November - 1 December 2024, in Busan, South Korea, HEAL together with Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Europe wrote to all European health ministers highlighting the urgent need to address the severe health and environmental impacts of plastics, including in the healthcare sector. 


HEAL webinar series on the health impacts of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances

To raise awareness of the impacts of PFAS on human health, HEAL is organising a series of three webinars in October 2024, each focusing on a different health impact of PFAS. The first webinar on 10 October focuses on impacts on the immune system. The subsequent webinars will focus on cancer and the impacts of exposure in early life and pregnancy.


HEAL assessment of the trio hearings of Vice-President-designate Ribera, Vice-President-designate Séjourné and Commissioner-designate Hoekstra

Over the past days, MEPs held confirmation hearings with Vice-President-designate Ribera, Vice-President-designate Séjourné and Commissioner-designate Hoekstra, whose complementary and mutually enabling portfolios respectively focus on “Clean, Just and Competitive Transition”, “Prosperity and Industrial Strategy” and “Climate, Net-Zero and Clean Growth”.  HEAL was encouraged to see strong coherence among the three designates on their shared commitment to protecting health against this triple crisis.  


Advocating for a European future free of endocrine-disrupting chemicals

HEAL, alongside the EDC-Free Europe coalition, is asking future EU leaders to protect health and the environment from the health-harming endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The recently published EDC-Free Europe statement ‘7 priorities to protect people and environment from harm caused by endocrine-disrupting chemicals outlines crucial steps that policymakers must take to protect public health and the environment from these harmful substances.


HEAL Annual General Assembly 2024 – Health protection from environmental threats in the New EU Agenda

HEAL has sent a letter to permanent representations of EU member states and  EU environment ministers today, calling on their support and leadership to ensure that previous commitments made for a high level of health and environment protection will remain at the heart of the 2024-2029 EU Commission mandate, including delivering on the health protective measures promised in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) and the revision of REACH with no further delay.

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