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The European Green Deal identifies right areas for action but more urgency needed to meet zero pollution ambition and benefit health

Today, the European Commission presented the European Green Deal plan that sets out many environmental health issues, where the European Union policies such as climate, air or chemicals, can help deliver a zero pollution objective and better health protection for all. However, to achieve the transformational, systemic change needed to address the magnitude of the challenges the world is facing today, the timeline and scope of the European Green Deal will have to better reflect the evidence which clearly makes the case for more urgent action.


HEAL welcomes the 10 commitments from Frans Timmermans, Virginijus Sinkevičius and Stella Kyriakides to act for a healthy planet for healthy people

After European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen had unveiled who will join her team during her administration, the newly-elected members of the European Parliament had a chance to test these confirmed nominees during committee hearings. So how did the European Green Deal Executive Vice-President designate, the Environment and Oceans Commissioner-designate and the Health Commissioner-designate perform and what did they commit to as a team?


10 ways to protect our health and the environment

Preventing environmental pollution can save lives. There is clear scientific evidence on how environmental, chemical and air pollution as well as climate change threaten and impact our health. Europe has a real opportunity to protect and improve Europeans’ health and prevent major chronic health epidemics - here are ten ways how.


La déclaration de l’EFSA reconnaissant les effets nocifs du chlorpyrifos sur la santé humaine ajoute à l’urgence d’une interdiction totale

La semaine dernière, l'Agence européenne de sécurité alimentaire (EFSA) a reconnu dans une déclaration publique que le chlorpyrifos est nocif pour la santé humaine et ne remplit pas les critères de renouvellement sur le marché européen[1]. Une coalition d'ONG rassemblant certaines organisations comme Health And Environment Alliance (HEAL), SumOfUs, Pesticides Action Network (PAN) Europe et PAN Allemagne et Générations Futures, salue cette déclaration, qui est un premier pas vers l'interdiction du chlorpyrifos dans les plus brefs délais.


EFSA’s statement acknowledging chlorpyrifos harm for human health adds urgency for a full ban

Last week, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) acknowledged in a public statement that chlorpyrifos is harmful to human health and does not meet the criteria for renewal on the European market [1]. A coalition of NGOs including HEAL, SumOfUs, PAN Europe, PAN Germany and Générations Futures welcomes this statement, which is a first step in order to get chlorpyrifos banned as soon as possible.


A HEAL tribute to Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

On 30th January 2019, the European environmental health community lost one of its inspiring pioneers, when Jean-Pierre Bourguignon passed away. Today the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) would like to pay tribute and express our gratitude to this forward-looking paediatrician and endocrinologist.

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