Climate change threatens the basic elements of life such as access to clean air, water, food and shelter – and with that human health. But climate action could be the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century.
HEAL works with Global organisations like UNFCCC, UNEP and WHO, with European and national decision-makers as well as environmental organisations towards climate and energy policies putting human health at the centre of their priorities.
Briefing: How clean air action can help address socio-economic health inequalities
As EU member states, regional and local authorities prepare to implement the revised Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD), this briefing by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) argues that decision-makers and authorities should pay particular attention to addressing socio-economic inequalities in their clean air efforts. The swift transposition and implementation of the new rules, with strengthened administrative collaboration and the full utilisation of financial support schemes, promise significant progress towards cleaner air across Europe. Improved air quality will be beneficial to everyone and contribute to preventing health inequalities for those living in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas.
Polish Public Health Council publishes first-ever position on the health impact of air pollution and climate change
HEAL in Poland welcomed the first position (in Polish) of the Public Health Council on the steps necessary to reduce the exposure of people in Poland air pollution and the effects of climate change. The Public Health Council is an advisory body to the Minister of Health. Their positioning is particularly important in the context of the revised Ambient Air Quality Directive (AAQD) which entered into force on 10 December 2024.
Polish health experts call for a coal phase out, as smog season starts
Every year, air pollution in Poland reaches its highest levels during the smog season in winter. In view of the unacceptably high health burden and health costs from poor air quality, the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) and health experts urge the Polish government to increase efforts to reduce pollution in the energy sector. This includes setting a swift date for phasing out coal combustion in Poland, as well as accelerating the Just Transition in the energy sector.
HEAL assessment of the trio hearings of Vice-President-designate Ribera, Vice-President-designate Séjourné and Commissioner-designate Hoekstra
Over the past days, MEPs held confirmation hearings with Vice-President-designate Ribera, Vice-President-designate Séjourné and Commissioner-designate Hoekstra, whose complementary and mutually enabling portfolios respectively focus on “Clean, Just and Competitive Transition”, “Prosperity and Industrial Strategy” and “Climate, Net-Zero and Clean Growth”. HEAL was encouraged to see strong coherence among the three designates on their shared commitment to protecting health against this triple crisis.
HEAL assessment of the hearing of Commissioner-designate Olivér Várhelyi
Yesterday, MEPs held the confirmation hearing with Commissioner-designate Roswall, whose portfolio focuses on environment, water resilience and a competitive circular economy.
HEAL assessment of the hearing of Commissioner-designate Jessika Roswall
Yesterday, MEPs held the confirmation hearing with Commissioner-designate Roswall, whose portfolio focuses on environment, water resilience and a competitive circular economy.
Health sector awareness and engagement on climate across Europe
This new briefing prepared as part of the EU-funded CISIP project aims to shed light on why “health” is at the heart of climate change and present some of the milestones of health sector engagement on climate.
New briefing on Mental Health and Climate Change Briefing in Collaboration with the Turkish Psychiatric Association
Civil society organisations and health experts, as part of the Health Collaboration on Climate Change…
The myth of “clean coal”: why coal power generation is always unhealthy / “Temiz kömür” efsanesi: neden kömürden enerji üretmek her koşulda sağlıksızdır
A new HEAL analysis shows that even coal power plants using the latest filter technology would still create significant (and avoidable) health impacts and costs in Turkey. This analysis adds to the body of evidence on the health burden from coal power generation and underlines that in order to protect health, Turkey should set a coal phase out date of 2030, and shelve all coal plants remaining in the pipeline.
An early coal phase-out in Poland can save lives, improve health and strengthen the economy
As the Polish government is about to launch its update on its 2040 Energy Strategy (PEP), part three of HEAL’s ‘Curing Chronic Coal’ series, published today, shows that the earlier Poland phases out coal power, the greater the health benefits and saved health costs to society will be.
Curing Chronic Coal: The health benefits of a 2030 coal phase out in Turkey
A new report by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) now highlights that phasing out…
False fix: the hidden health impacts of Europe’s fossil gas dependency
First of its kind analysis on the health harm of burning fossil gas shows that in 2019…
New infographic on the health and climate threat from wood burning
A new infographic entitled “Wood burning: a false solution fuelling the climate crisis and harming…
Infographic: Health benefits of a Green Deal (TR)
A new infographic on the health benefits of a Green Deal has been created in…
Infographic: Mental Health and Climate Change (TR)
A new infographic on mental health and climate change has been created in the frame…
Infographic: health sector calls for climate action
New infographic on health sector engagement for climate action, as health protection: Download the full…
CSO statement: The EU Commission must provide guarantees on climate, nature and public health
Together with 180+ organisations, HEAL cal on the EU Commission to provide guarantees on climate, nature and public health, ensuring the protection of people.
Letter to the President of the European Commission on protecting people’s health against climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss
HEAL calls on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to commit to protecting people’s health from the triple crisis during her second term in a letter. HEAL urges her to safeguard and strengthen the EU climate and environmental acquis for better health, and accelerate on the zero pollution path, including for the foreseen reform of the EU chemicals law REACH.
Green 10 letter to the President of the European Parliament calling to address the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergency
The Green 10 coalition, which HEAL is a part of, encourages the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola upon her re-election to put the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergency at the forefront of her tenure.
Green 10 letter to the President of the European Commission on upholding and scaling up Green Deal commitments
The Green 10 coalition, which HEAL is a part of, encourages the EU Commission President to prioritize and scale up the Green Deal commitments towards zero pollution, thriving nature and health.
Letter: Protecting people’s health against climate, environmental threats and reducing health economic cost
HEAL has sent a letter to Members of the European Parliament urging them to commit to protecting health against climate, environmental threats in the next five years, in their positions on legislative proposals as well as in all budgetary and financial decisions.
Letter: Keep health in the scope of the EP’s ENVI Committee
In a letter, HEAL urges Members of the European Parliament to keep the current scope of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) to protect health against the triple crises of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.
Press note: Health should remain in the scope of the ENVI committee
Press note: HEAL calls on the European Parliament to maintain health within the scope of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.
Press note: 2024 Climate and Health Policy Priorities for Europe
Press note: The Lancet Europe Countdown report on health and climate change 2024 indicates European governments have not successfully protected their citizens from the health impacts of climate change.
An early coal phase-out in Poland can save lives, improve health and strengthen the economy
As the Polish government is about to launch its update on its 2040 Energy Strategy (PEP), part three of HEAL’s ‘Curing Chronic Coal’ series, published today, shows that the earlier Poland phases out coal power, the greater the health benefits and saved health costs to society will be.
Curing Chronic Coal: The health benefits of a 2030 coal phase out in Turkey
A new report by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) now highlights that phasing out…
An early coal phase-out in the Western Balkan can save lives, improve health and strengthen the economy
A new report by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), published today, shows that phasing out…
False fix: the hidden health impacts of Europe’s fossil gas dependency
First of its kind analysis on the health harm of burning fossil gas shows that in 2019…
An early coal phase-out in Poland can save lives, improve health and strengthen the economy
As the Polish government is about to launch its update on its 2040 Energy Strategy (PEP), part three of HEAL’s ‘Curing Chronic Coal’ series, published today, shows that the earlier Poland phases out coal power, the greater the health benefits and saved health costs to society will be.
Curing Chronic Coal: The health benefits of a 2030 coal phase out in Turkey
A new report by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) now highlights that phasing out…
An early coal phase-out in the Western Balkan can save lives, improve health and strengthen the economy
A new report by the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL), published today, shows that phasing out…