Press note: The Forever Lobbying Project investigation finds that the clean-up of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in Europe could cost 100 billion euros annually. Health-related costs for PFAS exposure are estimated to reach up to 84 billion euros annually. With these revelations, combined with the mounting scientific evidence on PFAS’ grave health impacts, it is clear that the European Commission must ensure a robust EU-wide PFAS restriction and come up with a plan to address these costs as part of the Clean Industrial Deal.
Join a special webinar series organised by Member of European Parliament Maria Arena (S&D) to discuss what opportunities lie ahead for better identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals at European level.
Part 1: New hazard classes for endocrine disruptors in CLP | Tuesday 22nd June, 10:00 – 11:00 CET | Click here to register
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have long been a weak spot in the way the European Union addresses harmful chemicals. Yet scientific knowledge has been increasing rapidly in recent years, with evidence on the impact of EDCs on human health and the environment growing considerably.
With the publication of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability last October, the European Commission has committed to taking important actions to better protect citizens and the environment from exposure to endocrine disruptors. One of such flagship promises is the development of horizontal hazard classes for EDCs under the European legislation for classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals (CLP).
Together with the following experts, MEP Maria Arena will discuss opportunities and challenges associated to this important policy development:
- Cristina de Avila, Head of Unit Sustainable Chemicals, DG ENVI
- Angel Nadal, Professor of Physiology, University of Elche, Alicante, Spain; and former chair of the Endocrine Society Task Force on EDCs
- Pia Juul Nielsen, EDC Science and Policy Expert, CHEM Trust
Part 2: What requirements to identify endocrine disruptors? | Thursday 1st July, 14:00 – 15:00 CET | Click here to register
Click here to download the presentation from Natacha Cingotti, HEAL’s Health and Chemicals Lead
The recently launched Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability includes several promises aiming to improve the identification and regulation of endocrine disruptors.
One of the important markers of success of these measures will be the ability to request and collect the appropriate data in order to identify endocrine disruptors. Such data is currently lacking across uses and regulations. For instance, the flagship EU chemical regulation REACH does not include appropriate requirements for industry applicants to provide all the necessary endocrine-related data, and therefore to easily identify them.
As the European Commission has initiated the update of those information requirements, join MEP Maria Arena for an expert discussion on this important process. The panel will consist of the following speakers:
- Cristina de Avila, Head of Unit Sustainable Chemicals, DG ENVI
- Cécile Michel, Acting Head of the Chemical Substances Assessment Unit, ANSES
- Natacha Cingotti, Health and Chemicals Lead at the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL)