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The FREIA research project has launched a webinar series to mark the end of the project, bringing together leading partners to talk about their scientific findings after five years of research into the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on female reproduction. 

It is beyond a doubt that endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), also known as hormone disruptors, impact people’s health and the environment. Endocrine disruptors are synthetic substances that can disrupt our bodies’ hormones at any life stage, from conception to adulthood, which can in turn lead to a range of serious health problems. However, until recently, it wasn’t clear exactly how EDCs can harm female reproductive health.  

FREIA – named after the Nordic fertility goddess – is an EU-funded research project dedicated to advancing test methods to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals that are toxic to women’s health. The project, of which HEAL is a partner, is a collaboration between 11 institutes from seven European countries and the USA. 

The webinar series brings together 11 renowned researchers to present their scientific findings into endocrine disruptors and female reproductive health. The webinar recordings are available below. 

For more information about the FREIA research project, click here.    

Click here to download factsheets and infographics from the FREIA project (available in different languages), which provide clear and concise information on endocrine disrupting chemicals and women’s health.

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